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Your ENERGY in ACTION! Energy Balancing eCourse
0 - Introduction
0.1 Margaretha, the Director of the EBI, welcomes you! (4:10)
0.2 Read me first! - how to use this course best
0.3 A short Table of Content
0.4 Energy Balancing Poster
Teaching 1 - You are super sensitive! Your Energy Field is like an Antenna picking up every vibe
1.1 Pictures: Energy & Energy Sensitivity
1.2 Video Teaching 1 : Kabir and Ritama talk about their Energy Sensitivity (3:53)
1.3 Exercise: Energy follows your Awareness
Homework: How does your Energy Sensitivity work?
Teaching 2 - Did you know your Energy Field accumulates Energetic Debris? Keep it clean!
2.1 Pictures: Energetic Debris
2.2 Video Teaching 2: We pick up Energetic Debris unconsciously (3:50)
2.3 Video Exercise: Become aware where you picked up Energetic Dust (5:27)
Homework: What kind of energetic debris are you picking up?
2.4 Video Exercise: Presence is the Number 1 (4:17)
2.5 Video Exercise: Dust your Energy Field (Kabir) (3:24)
2.6 Video Exercise: Clean your Energy Field thoroughly (Ritama) (7:33)
2.7 Dusting Exercise from the Book 'Your Energy in Action!'
2.8 Video Exercise: Clear your Energy Field in a way nobody notices (2:17)
2.9 Three Quick-Fix-Exercises: Dusting unhealthy Energies quickly
Homework: Clear yourself from Energies in your Daily Life
Teaching 3 - Are you in Balance - or not?
3.1 Pictures: Being Center & Being Off-Center
3.2 Video Teaching 3: How you lose your balance - and how to regain it (8:44)
3.3 How do you recognize, when you are off-center?
Homework and Scan Sheets: How and where do YOU lose your balance?
Teaching 4 - Have things thrown you off balance? Come back to your Center
4.1 Pictures: Coming Back to Center
4.2 Video Teaching 4: Find your Balance, find your Center (11:22)
4.3 Exercise: How do you regain your Balance in Daily Living?
4.4 Generic Exercise: Find your Center in all 4 Main Off-Center States
Homework: How and where do you lose your Balance?
Teaching 5 - Love Yourself! Take care of your Personal Space
5.1 Pictures: Personal Space
5.2 Video Teaching 5: The magic FEBE live (6:20)
5.3 Our Core Exercise from the EB-Book: The FEBE
5.4 The FEBE Handout
Homework: The FEBE - Magic for every day!
Teaching 6 - Don't miss goodness coming your way! Take in Positive and Healthy Energies
6.1 Pictures: Positive Energies
6.2 Video Teaching 6: What are healthy Energies really? (6:32)
6.3 Video Exercise: Are you actually able to take in Positive Energies? (7:54)
6.4 The Exercise from the EB-Book: Let Positive Energies in
Homework: Where do you find more Healthy Energies?
Teaching 7 - Get touched by Life! Your Vulnerability is something very precious
7.1 Pictures: Vulnerability and Touchability
7.2 Video Teaching 7: Vulnerability is a Gift and a Challenge (6:33)
7.3 Audio/Video of Exercise: Experience yourself with your Vulnerability (15:24)
Homework on Vulnerability
Teaching 8 - Discover Your Essence, Your True Being
8.1 Pictures: Your Essence is unique
8.2 Video Teaching 8: An Interview with Kabir and Ritama on the Facets of Essence (17:54)
8.3 Which Essence Qualities belong to which Energy Centers
Homework on Essence
8.4 Handout: Essence is a Dynamic Process
8.5 Audio of Exercise: Live your Essence!
Homework: Which are your Essential Qualities?
You made it half-way through!
Teaching 9 - People are sucking your Energy! Energy Vampires and Unhealthy Energies
9.1 Pictures: Unhealthy Energies
9.2 Video Teaching 9: Unhealthy Energies need Healthy Boundaries (4:07)
Homework: Identify Energy Vampires and Unhealthy Energies
Teaching 10 - Energetic Violations: 15 Ways you get violated (even by People who love you!)
10.1 Pictures: The 15 most common Energy Violations
10.2 Video Teaching 10: We are Victims AND Perpetrators of Energy Violations (4:04)
10.3 Handout to download: 15 Energy Violations
10.4 Video: Demos of the 3 Main Violations Overwhelm - Control - Sucking (7:05)
10.5 Exercise: Visualize Yourself in a Violation Situation
10.6 Exercise: Diagnose an Energetic Violation
Homework: How are You violating Others?
Teaching 11 - Protect Yourself! Handle unhealthy Energies in your Daily Life
11.1 Pictures: Different Kinds of Energetic Boundaries
11.2 Video Teaching 11: Conscious Boundaries are like an Egg Shell (6:04)
11.3 Video Conscious Boundary 1: Build a Protective Wall (4:04)
11.3 Video Conscious Boundary 2: Open your Field and become vulnerable again (2:01)
11.3 Video Conscious Boundary 3: Create a Porous Boundary (2:53)
11.4 Exercise: Simply step out of the Way of Violating Energies
11.5 Exercise: Learn to say "No"!
Teaching 12 - Ever felt yucky after a Conversation? 'Sticky' Energies have been transferred to you
12.1 Pictures: Goop - the sticky stuff
12.2 Video Teaching 12: Energy Transference & Sticky Energies (5:35)
12.3 Video Exercise: Scoop the Goop out of your Energy Field (6:24)
Homework: You Got 'Gooped': Where does it sit?
Homework: When did You 'Goop' Others?
Teaching 13 - Energy Leaks are like Swiss Cheese Holes in your Field
13.1 Pictures: Energy Leaks
13.2 Teaching 13: Energy Leaks - We violate our own Boundaries!
13.3 Diagnostics: Find your Energy Holes
13.4 Video Exercise: Seal your 'Swiss Cheese' Energy Leak (10:10)
Homework: Draw your Energy Leaks
Teaching 14 - Stop being your own worst Enemy! Build a Containment to keep your Field intact
14.1 Pictures: The Ring-Pass-Not
14.2 Video Teaching 14: Stop violating your own Energy Field (7:39)
14.3 Video Exercise: Build your Ring-Pass-Not (8:58)
14.4 Generic Exercise from the EB-Book: Test your Ring-Pass-Not
Homework: Your Ring-Pass-Not in Practice
Teaching 15 - The Empowered You: Live centered and dynamic every day
15.1 Pictures: Dynamic Center
15.2 Teaching Handout: What is a Dynamic Center?
15.3 Video Exercise: The Tree - centered and dynamic! (6:58)
15.4 Handout of Exercise: Become a Tree
Homework: What kind of a tree are you?
Teaching 16 - Get the Magic in your Day-to-Day Life. Access your Higher Energies
16.1 Pictures: The Magic of the Higher
16.2 Video Exercise: Your Core Channel is your Home... (7:37)
Homework: Practice the Core Channel Connection
16.3 Video: Spiritual Energies are an Experience in the Body (4:07)
16.4 Video Teaching 16: The Awakening of Energy Awareness in the World (4:23)
16.5 Video Meditation - Connect to the Magic of your Higher Potential (14:43)
16.6 Handout Meditation
Homework on Meditation
16.7 Is this the End?
Appendix I: Glossary
Appendix II: Material to download
All 18 Energy Principles
All Scan Sheets
Appendix III: How can you proceed?
Continue working with Energy
Find Friends on the Path
Appendix IV: About the Energy Balancing Institute
What is the EBI?
The EBI Education Path
The EBI Core Team
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The EBI Education Path
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